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Yanxi Lin

A Ph.D. Student in Robotics at the University of Utah


Take a look at what I have done.

Work Experience

ufair logo Ningbo XiaoCheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. Ningbo, China
Intern in the Product Development Department April 2019 – September 2021
ufair web

Web Page Development: Worked on projects using HTML and JavaScript to develop corporate web pages and ensure that the web pages are dynamic.

Database Development: Designed and incorporated the database systems into the corporate WeChat applet, facilitating efficient information collection and storage.

Program Maintenance: Contributed to the development of document files and designs for another corporate WeChat applet, actively participating in technical feasibility assessments and design optimization processes.

Project Experience

UM logo ROB 422: Introduction to Algorithmic Robotics Ann Arbor, MI
Localization using Kalman Filter and Particle Filter December 2023

Simulation Environment: Built simulation environment in PyBullet with a customized map and a PR2 robot.

Kalman Filter Implementation: Implemented Kalman Filter to achieve localization by continuously updating its estimation of a system's state using a combination of motion model and incoming sensor data.

Particle Filter Implementation: Implemented Particle Filter to achieve localization by using particles to represent system states, updating and resampling them with new sensor data to identify the most probable state.

UM logo ROB 535: Self-Driving Cars: Perception and Control Ann Arbor, MI
Monocular 3D Object Detection December 2023

Network Structure Revision: Revised and tested MonoCon on the KITTI benchmark, specifically for car detection in various scenarios and evaluated the performance based on 3D bounding box predictions.

Dataset and Training: Data augmentation techniques were used to enhance the model's robustness. Extensive experimentation was conducted to optimize hyperparameters, ensuring improved model performance.

UM logo ROB 498: Robot Learning for Planning and Control Ann Arbor, MI
Trajectory Optimization of Inverted Double Pendulum on a Cart Problem April 2023

Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) Implementation: Utilized DDP to implement a trajectory optimization algorithm for inverted double pendulum on a cart task.

Model Predictive Path Integral Control (MPPI) Implementation: Implemented the MPPI algorithm to achieve the same task goal.

Cost Function Design: Developed appropriate cost functions for both methods.

UM logo ROB 550: Robotic Systems Laboratory Ann Arbor, MI
Manipulation and Computer Vision September 2022 - November 2022
Mobile Robotics November 2022 - December 2022

Position Calibration: Executed precise calibration and transformation from the depth camera coordinate to the world coordinate.

State Machine Control: Devised a sophisticated state machine to control the arm's movement in the workplace systematically.

Block Detector: Detected blocks of different colors and determined object grabbing and placement positions.

Kinematic Algorithm: Conducted thorough debugging of the inverse kinematic code, ensuring the arm's movement aligned with expectations.


Real-time Positioning System: Utilized 2D Lidar to construct a real-time positioning system for the robot, incorporating a Monte Carlo (MCL) positioning algorithm based on odometer and laser ranging, allowing real-time location on known maps.

Path Planning: Developed A* algorithm enabling the robot to plan the optimal path within the environment.

Automatic Exploration and Obstacle Avoidance: Integrated a robotic system with automatic exploration capabilities in unknown areas and obstacle avoidance features for safe and efficient task completion.

UNNC logo Individual Final Year Project Ningbo, China
Autonomous Cruiser Robot Based on Laser Radar with Arm July 2021 – April 2022
Robot Model

Environment Perception and Obstacle Avoidance: Utilized Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) with 2D Lidar for real-time map creation and obstacle avoidance.

Positioning and Navigation: Implemented the adaptive Monte Carlo positioning (AMCL) algorithm for autonomous navigation.

Path Planning: Employed the rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) algorithm for efficient path planning.

Object Pick-up: Integrated a monocular camera for object positioning, with a 4-DOF manipulator controlled by an inverse kinematics (IK) algorithm for precise target grabbing.

UNNC logo UNNC Formula Student Racing Team Ningbo, China
Electric Formula Student Project November 2019 – April 2022
Electric Formula Racing Car

Electrical System Design: Diagnosed and resolved issues in the existing electrical system, constructing a new and enhanced system for the vehicle.

Battery Bank Development: Designed and built a new battery pack, significantly enhancing the vehicle's power.

Research Experience

Fluent Robotics Lab Fluent Robotics Lab Ann Arbor, MI
Human-Robot Handover Project using Stretch 2 September 2023 – Present

Motion Planning: Specialized in motion planning, employing MoveIt! for robot arm trajectory and integrating Dijkstra's algorithm with Dynamic Window Approach (DWA) planner for base path planning.

Platform Interface: Developed Python scripts for low-level hardware control and interfaced with complex simulation environments within the ROS package, achieving integration and manipulation of virtual environments for real robot testing and development.

Module Integration: Integrated motion planning with SLAM and perception to form a complete autonomous robot system.

ROAHM Lab ROAHM Lab Ann Arbor, MI
Learning-based Algorithm on 1/10 Scale RC Rover June 2023 – August 2023
kinematic mpc

Simulation and Track Design: Developed a precise simulation environment tailored for a custom racetrack.

Advanced Control System Implementation: Upgraded the control system from conventional PID to the sophisticated Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm.

Collision Avoidance: Introduced a competition-oriented training strategy using MPC agent as a rival vehicle.

UNNC logo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Center Ningbo, China
Deep Learning for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction July 2020 – September 2020

Preprocessing and Reproduction: Applied Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to train a model, involving meticulous preparation of datasets, model construction, and hyperparameter adjustments.

Image Processing: Utilized U-Net for comprehensive CT and MRI image processing, encompassing tasks such as image preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, segmentation, and other related operations.

Leadership Experience

AIESEC logo AIESEC Kathmandu, Nepal
International Volunteer June 2019 – July 2019

Leadership Development: Engaged in a one-month international volunteering program in Nepal.

Teaching Content: Educated local students in Chinese and English, covering general areas of science and technology.

Cultural Impact: Cultivated cross-cultural communication and leadership skills and adaptability within a foreign environment, positively impacting both the local community and personal development.